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Power to Shut Satanic Doors, by Dr. D. K. OLukoya
Fee Download Power to Shut Satanic Doors, by Dr. D. K. OLukoya
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Power to shut satanic doors is an uncommon classic. It is written for those who want to experience the achiever's lifestyle. This is your ladder to great height of victory. This is your season of divine empowerment. This book will teach you what it takes to be more than conquerors in Christ. Satanic doors are identified, the effects of such doors are enumerated, symptoms of satanic door victims are presented and method of shutting such doors are offered in this powerful book. The bonus of this book is a suite of prayer points that will blast satanic doors open.
- Sales Rank: #1199290 in Books
- Published on: 2013-04-11
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 9.61" h x .13" w x 6.69" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 54 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
People open Satinic Doors in the past and forgets to close it.
By Pastor Nadine Anderson
This book teaches you how to go back and close satinic doors that was open by yourself, an ancestors or others on your behalf. Sometimes we think when we become a christians these doors are closed for us but they are not closed until we recognized them and close them ourselve to stop curses and affliction of the enemy in or life. If you know that you had a family member or yourself or spouse was involved in witchcraft or magic then there is an open door that needs to be closed and this book helps you to close these doors and to appy the blood of Jesus.
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
By DN1
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Power To Shut Satanic Doors
By Darryl jenkins
Exceptionally up lifting book. True Man of God is choosing to write powerful massage for God’s people. I have purchase many of the Author’s books. A man of Great Wisdom you are thanks again.
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